Data breach approximately costs €125 per leaked data record
According to researchers at the American Ponemon Institute, cyber attacks are the leading cause of data leaks, followed by technical defects, configuration errors in the cloud and human error.
The “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020” study conducted by IBM among 3,200 people from 524 organizations shows that the average cost per leaked or stolen data record has increased.
According to the study, the average cost per lost or stolen data record was $146 (approx. $123). With malicious attacks the costs are even slightly higher, around $175 per leaked data record, according to Darkreading.
The study covered 17 different sectors. The costs of data breaches are the highest in the healthcare sector. In the healthcare sector, a major data breach can easily cost about 7 million dollars (6 million euros). The high costs are caused by, among other things, customers who no longer have confidence, system downtime, lost sales, legal costs and fines.
On average, it takes 329 days before the leakage of data is detected by organizations.
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