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Many schools wonder whether they can register which of their pupils or students is infected with corona. For example, in connection with government measures to send groups of children home for a number of days if there is an infection. Or because the schools are concerned about safety at school. Read more about this article […]
Last Friday I had a job interview via video calling. It concerned the position of account manager. It was already about the second meeting and I am very enthusiastic. Or maybe I should say: I was very enthusiastic. Not quite sure yet … Read more about this article here:
The Amsterdam hospital OLVG has been fined 440,000 euros by the Dutch Data Protection Authority. According to the Dutch Authority, the hospital had taken too few measures between 2018 and 2020 to prevent access by unauthorized employees to medical files. There was not enough control over who viewed which file. The security of the computer […]
Half a million Dutch people already have a smart doorbell that often stores personal data in the cloud. Who has access to it? What are the security measures? How long and where is the data stored? Which data? Who is this information shared with? Are automated decisions taking place? Read more about this article here: […]
Norwegian Data Protection Authority issues intention to fine gay/trans dating app Grindr 9.6 million Euro for lack of consent when sharing data with third parties for marketing purposes. User data included gps location and use of the app, the latter considered to be a special category of personal data (sexual orientation). Fine appears to be […]
The Intelligence Agency was set up by the Ministry of Social Affairs to assist municipalities in assessing applications for benefits and transmitting “signals” of possible fraud, based on large-scale processing of data from citizens. The Dutch Data Protection Authority fears that citizens may again become victims of unlawful and non-transparent government actions and asks the […]
There is a large-scale trade in millions of residential addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and social security numbers from the two main corona systems of the GGD. Police over the weekend arrested two people suspected of this illegal data trade. This concerns trade in data from two corona systems of the GGD: CoronIT, which contains […]
The idea of global vaccination and health data being stored in centralized systems has many privacy experts freaking out. As the first vaccines against COVID-19 roll out, governments and institutions across the world are scrambling to figure out how to provide proof that someone has been vaccinated. Paper certificates, PDFs, wristbands and mobile apps have […]
On July 16, 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union invalidated the Privacy Shield, the international treaty that covered the transfer of data from the European Union to the United States. The Court stated that the transfer of data to the United States is not safe for European citizens, and for this reason […]