Vodafone fined over 12 million Euro by Italian DPA

Vodafone fined over 12 million Euro by Italian DPA

Vodafone got a Euro 12,250,000 fine on account of having unlawfully processed the personal data of millions of users for telemarketing purposes. This decision marks the final step in a complex proceeding that the Garante had initiated. Following hundreds of complaints and alerts submitted by users against unsolicited phone calls made by Vodafone and/or the […]


6 out of 7 Covid-19 apps are privacy unfriendly

Only 47 of 359 apps use Google and Apple’s more privacy-friendly exposure-notification system, which restricts apps to only Bluetooth data collection. More than six out of seven COVID-19-focused iOS apps worldwide are free to request whatever privacy permissions they want, with 59 percent asking for a user’s location when in use and 43 percent tracking […]

Schendt Instagram uw privacy d.m.v. cameratoegang?

Does Instagram invade your privacy using camera access?

Last Thursday in the Northern District of California, Brittany Conditi filed a class-action complaint against Instagram and its parent company Facebook for invasion of privacy alleging that Instagram accessed users’ smartphone cameras when not using features that would require camera access, despite the defendants’ representations to the contrary. Specifically, the party who initiated the lawsuit […]