Privacy Security

Scanning of communication in order to combat child pornography

Providers of hosting services and providers of interpersonal communication services that have received a detection order shall execute it by installing and operating technologies to detect” CSAM upon request by the competent judicial authority or independent administrative authority, the draft regulation states. The obligation also requires tech platforms to conduct risk assessments and “reasonable mitigation […]


App Tracking Transparency circumvented

“Since App Tracking Transparency was introduced last year with iOS 14.5, every iPhone and iPad app now has to ask users whether they want to be tracked or not. However, some developers have figured out new ways to keep tracking iOS users even when they opt out of being tracked by third-party apps. A new […]

Privacy Surveillance

How do democracies spy on you?

Spyware installed after a WhatsApp message or iMessage on the phone of politicians, lawyers, and activists in order to know what they are saying, hearing, chatting, searching, etc. All types of government are buying such spying software but how to prevent that it is used in the wrong way?