
Dutch companies pay ransom more often, while the number of incidents is decreasing

According to research by Forrester Consulting, the number of companies worldwide affected by cyber incidents, such as viruses and ransomware, is declining. However, the amount of damage per incident is growing sharply, while Dutch companies pay the ransom the most. Read more about this subject at: https://fd.nl/ondernemen/1348399/onderzoek-minder-cyberaanvallen-maar-zes-keer-zoveel-schade


NCSC: check availability of the home workplace

Many organizations have instructed their employees to work from home after the implementation of the COVID-19 measures. The availability of working from home facilities has suddenly become critical for business continuity. The NCSC offers a handy facsheet to check availability of your home working facilities. Read more on this subject here: https://www.ncsc.nl/documenten/publicaties/2020/april/1/factsheet-uw-thuiswerkfaciliteiten-zijn-nu-onmisbaar


NCSC: Working from home precautions

The NCSC recommends taking precautions if employees at your organization largely start working from home because of COVID-19 (Corona). It is then important to pay attention to the points below and to take additional measures if necessary. Think of a secure connection to your company network, strong authentication, updates, antivirus, incident reporting, etc. Read more […]


Benefit from GDPR at Defense

What impact does the GDPR have and what benefits does it offer for Defense? The agenda seems to be filled: In June there is Data Deletion Day (cleaning up electronic and paper files), August is all about data leaks and October is the month of awareness about cybersecurity and privacy in the EU. Read more […]

Personal data Rights of data subjects

Unlawful provision of special personal data leads to compensation for damages

The UWV benefits agency must pay an employee 250 euros in compensation because it wrongly shared information with the employee’s new employer about her previous burnout. This is in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), according to the Amsterdam court. Read more about this: https://rechtennieuws.nl/59884/uwv-moet-250-euro-schadevergoeding-betalen-na-datalek/