Tesla, owned by Elon Musk, confirms that a data breach impacting over 75,000 employees was the result of insider misconduct. The electric car maker states that the breach was initiated by two former employees who leaked personal information of more than 75,000 individuals to a foreign media outlet.The breach encompassed personally identifiable details such as […]
Everyone is annoyed when coming up with, remembering and entering hard-to-guess passwords as shown in this video. 77.6% of people find passwords difficult to remember, while 89.2% have an easy-to-guess or retrieve password, with 8% of all passwords already leaked. ID Control helps you manage your usernames, passwords and other secrets (e.g. credit card details) […]
One of the email encryption providers like SwitchMail encrypts all incoming emails by default. However, a ruling by the Cologne Regional Court is now forcing the company to install a function with which investigators can monitor individual mailboxes and read emails in plain text. In the summer, the Hanover Regional Court decided that email encryption […]
A hack took place on the old member portal of the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Wielren Unie (KNWU), whereby the details of 90,000 members were stolen. This includes name, e-mail address, telephone number and address details. The hack took place on the old MijnKNWU environment. The required sum (ransomware) has not been met to the hacker. […]
According to VoetbalTV, a commercial and legitimate interest can co-exist within the AVG. The judge agrees. “The prior exclusion of a certain interest as a legitimate interest is contrary to European case law.” “Proportionality and subsidiarity were not part of that assessment. Nor did the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) weigh up the interests at […]
South Korea’s privacy watchdog (PIPC) has fined Facebook millions for providing users’ personal information to companies. According to the data protector, the data of at least 3.3 million local Facebook users would have been shared without permission with up to 10,000 companies. Personal data such as relationship statuses, work experience and education were shared with […]
Researchers have discovered hundreds of thousands of stolen Spotify passwords in an unsecured database accessible to anyone on the Internet. The credentials had been stolen from other websites and then used to log in to Spotify accounts of users who reuse their passwords. The total 72 gigabyte Elasticsearch database contained more than 380 million records. […]
RTL News has gained access to a secret consultation between the European defense ministers. This was possible because the Twitter account of Minister Ank Bijleveld briefly contained a photo with the login address and part of the pin code. With a few tries the RTL News reporter succeeded in guessing the pin code of the […]
The EDPB advises you to know your transfers. Mapping all transfers of personal data to third countries to ensure that it has an equivalent level of protection wherever it is processed. You must also verify that the data you transfer is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for […]
Vodafone got a Euro 12,250,000 fine on account of having unlawfully processed the personal data of millions of users for telemarketing purposes. This decision marks the final step in a complex proceeding that the Garante had initiated. Following hundreds of complaints and alerts submitted by users against unsolicited phone calls made by Vodafone and/or the […]