OnlyFake’s Telegram channel offered realistic fake IDs from 26 countries for just $15, bypassing KYC checks on numerous crypto platforms. Using AI, these IDs could be generated within seconds, complete with chosen credentials and facial pictures, mimicking real-life settings for authenticity. Criminals utilizing AI fraud pose a significant challenge to fintech platforms, with incidents like […]
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has implemented robust rules on November 15, 2023, to safeguard consumers against scams targeting their cell phone accounts. The rules specifically combat SIM swapping and port-out fraud, shielding users from scammers attempting to manipulate their personal information and data. Scammers often use SIM swapping to fraudulently transfer a victim’s wireless […]
Criminals have been able to steal billions of dollars through rogue emails in recent years, the FBI claims. The damage caused by “Business Email Compromise” between June 2016 and December 2021 amounted to more than $ 43 billion, according to the American investigative service. Business Email Compromise (BEC), which also includes CEO fraud, allows attackers […]
Results of a National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) survey:– 42% of Brits expect to lose money to online fraud.– 23.2 million victim accounts worldwide used 123456 as password.– only 15% say they know a great deal about how to protect themselves from harmful activity.– the most regular concern is money being stolen – with 42% […]