
65% growth in cybercrime reports in 2019

A total of 4,703 cybercrime offenses were registered in 2019. This equates to an average of almost 13 crimes per day. Almost 13 percent of Dutch people aged 15 or older were victims of cybercrime last year. Amsterdam is – from a national point of view – the least secure online; a total of 300 […]

Privacy Security

Tips to prevent VPN vulnerabilities

Tips from the Digital Trust Center to avoid vulnerabilities:– run the security updates;– check the internal logging for traces of abuse;– analysis of the logging of the VPN environment;– delete all existing VPN accounts and recreate usernames with strong passwords;– consider implementing two-factor authentication for users. Read more about this here: https://www.digitaltrustcenter.nl/nieuws/wees- alert-for-vpn vulnerabilities


Consumentenbond Privacy test more negative at Jonge banks

The Consumer Association’s privacy test shows, among other things, that Bunq shares data with an American marketing party and loads cookies without permission. N26 shares with third parties who do something with marketing or “product optimization”. The app also establishes contact with the Twitter advertising system. The British Revolut bank says in its privacy statement […]


Privacy settings for social media?

Number of steps taken by the NCSC UK to keep social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram private. Start by setting your privacy, understand your data, set two-factor authentication and protect your kids. Find them here: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/social-media-how-to-use-it-safely