Schendt Instagram uw privacy d.m.v. cameratoegang?

Does Instagram invade your privacy using camera access?

Last Thursday in the Northern District of California, Brittany Conditi filed a class-action complaint against Instagram and its parent company Facebook for invasion of privacy alleging that Instagram accessed users’ smartphone cameras when not using features that would require camera access, despite the defendants’ representations to the contrary. Specifically, the party who initiated the lawsuit […]

Data Breach Privacy

What is the login code and password?

A desk clerk had difficulty logging into the hospital information system and asked aloud “How do I log in?” To a colleague who also had a patient in front of the splash screen.Then the login code and then the password were loud and audible for everyone. In hospitals people are notoriously careless, careless and thoughtless […]

Data Breach Privacy

Former Uber CISO charged for concealing hack

Yesterday Uber’s former security chief Joe Sullivan was charged with attempting to conceal a hack from federal investigators. This hack exposed the email addresses and phone numbers of 57 million drivers and passengers. As a result the former CISO could face up to eight years in prison for not promptly disclosing to the employee and […]

Privacy Security

How to improve cyber security within your organisation?

NCSC published the following Small Business Guide for Cyber Security with the following steps for which ID Control gives some free trials of cloud security services: Backing up your data; Protecting your organization from malware (f.e. ); Keep your mobile devices safe (f.e. ); Using password to keep your data safe (f.e.; Avoid phishing attacks. […]