The Human Right Watch report examined 164 educational tech tools and websites used in 49 countries and found that 89% of the apps “appeared to engage in data practices that put children’s rights at risk.” Some of those apps were found to be sharing that data with marketers and data brokers. The researchers added that […]
The Federal Trade Commission has fined Twitter $150 million for using phone numbers and email addresses collected of 140 million users to enable two-factor authentication for targeted advertising.
The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has imposed a penalty of ten million euros on Google for transferring data to third parties without a legal base to do so and for hindering citizens’ right to erasure. According to the Agency, these contravene Articles 6 and 17 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).AEPD said […]
Mastercard is rolling out a controversial programme that will allow shoppers to pay at the till with a mere smile or wave of the hand, as it tries to secure a slice of the $18bn (£14.4bn) biometrics market.While face recognition technology has long raised eyebrows among civil rights groups, the payments giant said it was […]
10 common mistakes when configuring, managing and securing systems means that attackers can still break into organizations and gain access to networks and data, the US, UK, Canadian, Dutch and New Zealand governments warn in a joint statement. advisory. The advisory wants to point out common mistakes, security practices and configurations that lead to poor […]
Google’s artificial intelligence DeepMind received the data in 2015 from the Royal Free NHS Trust for the purpose of testing a smartphone app called Streams. The smartphone app was tested to detect acute kidney injuries. The claim alleges that Google and DeepMind “obtained and used a substantial number of confidential medical records without patients’ knowledge […]
Organizations often ask how much chance they have on data protection fines and how much financial reserve they should make for that. Unit 27 June EDPB guidelines on calculating GDPR fines are released for public consultation. Interesting is to have a look at the example for mitigating and aggravating factors that could influence the height […]
Each time you open an app on your phone or browse the web, an auction for your eyeballs is taking place behind the scenes thanks to a thriving market for personal data. The report of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties says hat ad platforms transmit the location data and browsing habits of Americans and Europeans about […]
Providers of hosting services and providers of interpersonal communication services that have received a detection order shall execute it by installing and operating technologies to detect” CSAM upon request by the competent judicial authority or independent administrative authority, the draft regulation states. The obligation also requires tech platforms to conduct risk assessments and “reasonable mitigation […]
When internet users want to log in somewhere or fill in an online form, data such as email addresses and passwords can be sent to advertisers and other third parties before the send or log in button has been clicked, according to researchers from Radboud University, KU Leuven and the University of Leuven. University of […]