AI Privacy Security

Security implications of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an advanced tool that can generate meaningful results with minimal user expertise, but what are the security implications of ChatGPT? The quality of ChatGPT’s output depends on factors such as specificity, clarity, and context. Users must understand ChatGPT’s capabilities and limitations and evaluate its output critically. Effective utilization of ChatGPT involves prompt engineering […]

CISA Zero Trust
Zero Trust Architecture CISA (ZTMM)

How far are you with your Zero Trust Architecture?

CISA updated the Zero Trust Maturity Model (ZTMM) which provides a roadmap for agencies to reference as they transition towards a zero-trust architecture. ZTMM also provides a gradient of implementation across five distinct pillars to facilitate federal implementation, allowing agencies to make minor advancements toward optimization over time.CISA encourages state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, and […]

AI Privacy

Italian DPA: ChatGPT illegally collects personal data and no age verification

The Italian Data Protection Authority has ordered, with immediate effect, the temporary restriction of the processing of Italian users’ dataagainst OpenAI, the U.S.-based company that developed and operates the platform. At the same time, the Authority opened an investigation.ChatGPT, the best-known relational artificial intelligence software capable of simulating and processing human conversations, had suffered a […]

GDPR Privacy Security

The privacy loophole in your doorbell

Did you know that your Ring doorbell video footage could be part of police surveillance? Ring saw search warrants increase 33 percent in 2022 from the previous year. The lack of legal controls on what police can ask for, and judges failing to properly scrutinize these warrants, opens the door for even indoor home footage […]

Data Breaches Security Vulnerability

Almost half of websites vulnerable to cyber attack

Almost half of all Dutch company websites are vulnerable to attacks by cyber criminals due to vulnerabilities in software, configurations and web services. The result is often data theft or extortion through ransomware. “Entrepreneurs are insufficiently aware of the risks,” says cybersecurity specialist ID Control based on three studies of web shops, government websites and […]