Data Breach

Data breach Facebook affected 50 million users

Attackers were able to exploit a vulnerability in the “view as” feature, which allows users to see how their profile looks like to someone else. The vulnerability caused by three different bugs allowed the attackers to illegally obtain access tokens, thus could have taken over users’ accounts. Users remain logged in to Facebook via an […]

Data Breach

Uber settles $ 148 million for a data breach

Uber settles for 248 million a data breach that it deliberately tried to push under the carpet in 2016. In the Netherlands, it concerned the data of approximately 174,000 drivers and passengers, including names, email addresses and telephone numbers. A total of 57 million Uber users from around the world, including 600,000 drivers, were secured […]


Oops, forgot to log out of Facebook and Google?

Is the Netherlands leaking? Research by the Consumers’ Association shows that internet users forget to log out of Facebook and Google, so that the tech companies can also accurately track users on other websites, With Google or Facebook, 40% with Google and 60% with Facebook, even if they visit other websites, do not log out. […]


Lack of clarity about GDPR risks for entrepreneurs

The new AVG privacy law is being violated on a massive scale, more than a hundred days after its introduction. ‘Companies have good intentions but are confused by the complicated legal terms,’ says Saida Nhass senior consultant at risk advisor AON. According to Nhass, confusion mainly arises about the terms ‘processor’ and ‘controller’ about the […]

Data Breach

The first month of the GDPR

The first month of the GDPR and GDPR is now over, and according to the IAPP, the EU has certainly been busy with regard to complaints to the authorities, they report in an article . Because not all parties described in the article responded equally, we assume a period of 2 weeks. In the 2 […]


freelancers are given a little more breathing space

Today the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect in the Netherlands. Although a fairly large number of freelancers have not yet finished their GDPR process. Cause for panic? Not yet! Minister Dekker has promised that the self-employed in the Netherlands will not immediately be tackled harshly by the Dutch Data Protection Authority. So it […]