GDPR Privacy

6 Million EUR GDPR fine for CAIXABANK in Spain

The Spanish Data Protection Authority (AEPD) imposed a total fine of 6.000.000 EUR on CAIXABANK for unlawfully processing clients’ personal data (4.000.000 EUR) and not providing sufficient information regarding the processing of personal data (2.000.000 EUR). The AEPD considered that the document designed to comply with the information did not include enough information regarding the […]

GDPR Privacy

Spy pixels in email becoming the new normal

The use of “invisible” tracking tech in emails is now “endemic”, according to a messaging service that analysed its traffic at the BBC’s request. 66% of emails sent to its users’ personal accounts contained a “spy pixel”, even after excluding for spam.Emails pixels can be used to log:– if and when an email is opened– […]

TikTok misleads, offers insufficient protection and uses unfair and unclear terms and conditions

TikTok misleads, offers insufficient protection and uses unfair and unclear terms and conditions

The Consumers’ Association and seventeen other European consumer organizations today filed a complaint against TikTok with the European Commission and the European network of regulators CPC. The complaints include the “unfair” copyright terms of TikTok, which gives the platform the right to reuse, distribute and reproduce videos without compensation to users, while these rights should […]


Spy pixels in email becoming the new normal

The use of “invisible” tracking tech in emails is now “endemic”, according to a messaging service that analysed its traffic at the BBC’s request. 66% of emails sent to its users’ personal accounts contained a “spy pixel”, even after excluding for spam. Emails pixels can be used to log: (1) if and when an email […]