
Oops, forgot to log out of Facebook and Google?

Is the Netherlands leaking? Research by the Consumers’ Association shows that internet users forget to log out of Facebook and Google, so that the tech companies can also accurately track users on other websites, With Google or Facebook, 40% with Google and 60% with Facebook, even if they visit other websites, do not log out. […]


Lack of clarity about GDPR risks for entrepreneurs

The new AVG privacy law is being violated on a massive scale, more than a hundred days after its introduction. ‘Companies have good intentions but are confused by the complicated legal terms,’ says Saida Nhass senior consultant at risk advisor AON. According to Nhass, confusion mainly arises about the terms ‘processor’ and ‘controller’ about the […]

GDPR Privacy

The 7 stages of GDPR grief

An article by VentureBeat gives a nice analogy of the different stages in which companies find themselves with regard to the implementation of the GDPR (here in the Netherlands referred to as the GDPR). It also applies here that quite a few companies are still not aware of harm, and are therefore still in the […]

Personal data Privacy

Watch your applications!

We have many applications to share messages and data within your organization. This usually concerns free software for storing or sending information online. Good examples are WhatsApp, Dropbox and Skype. It is important to consider where all this information actually goes because of the GDPR. If you provide data to these authorities by means of […]