Privacy Surveillance

Hikvision: the biggest in camera surveillance

The Chinese Hikvision’s products can be found anywhere from police surveillance systems to baby monitors with 4.8 million networks of Hikvision devices in more than 191 countries. Hikvision could be sanctioned for aiding the Chinese government’s human rights violations in Xinjiang. The US Treasury is reportedly considering adding Hikvision to the Specially Designated Nationals and […]


33% of Top Hospital sites have a Facebook Tracker

Not only by visiting but also when making a appointment or login data is shared with the Technology giant. The Meta Pixel is a snippet of code that tracks users as they navigate through a website, logging which pages they visit, which buttons they click, and certain information they enter into forms. It’s one of […]

Bing gets search results from Edge

The EU’s Digital ID scheme good for privacy?

The European Commission unveiled plans to introduce a bloc-wide digital ID. If approved, the plan would allow people to use an app to prove their identity online, whether that’s to verify their age or to check their driver’s license. The EU plans to start testing the app (wallet) in October 2022 after it has a […]

Data Breaches Hack Privacy Security

Email hacked senstive personal data exposed

The America’s leading not-for-profit health plans and health care provider Kaiser Permanente,, has recently disclosed a data breach that exposed the health information of more than 69,000 individuals. An attacker accessed an employee’s email account containing patients’ protected health information (PHI) which included the patients’ first and last names, medical record numbers, dates of service […]

GDPR Privacy

CNIL: Use of Google Analytics illegal?

Google Analytics’ use is not legal without a new deal that would replace the disgraced EU-US data processing agreement, French data watchdog CNIL recently clarified on its website, which also dashed hopes that the tool could be reconfigured to allow data transfers to the US. EURACTIV France reports. The use of Google’s web analytics tool does […]


Does your car know you better than your partner?

Your car data can be seen by companies, countries, and individuals you’ve never given permission to follow your travels, and completely legally. The car manufacturers collect (and transmit) massive amounts of data, they are usually truly embedded in the physical car (and comprise some core functionality of it), and owners rarely have control of where […]


Vodafone plans carrier-level user tracking for targeted ads

Vodafone is piloting a new advertising ID system called TrustPid, which will work as a persistent user tracker at the mobile Internet Service Provider (ISP) level. The new system is in test phase in Germany and is intended to be impossible to bypass from within the web browser settings or through cookie blocking or IP address masking.The mobile […]